#Me: With the recent allegations of #homophobia brought up with the Floyd #Mayweather and #ConorMcGregor s*** talking sessions, let’s take an opportunity to talk about issues of gay and #transgender justice. Is it the same for blacks and whites? And, is there anything that when this subject is brought up that is left out when we’re talking about people of color?
#WillieLynch: I swear #Monkenzie, this is why I like talking to your smart monkey ass — you are not scarred, you go right at the “white” elephants in the room. Like me, you have an extremely limited amount of political correctness. These are great questions.
There is no true #equity in this country or in the world between blacks and whites, so nothing is the same when you’re talking about issues that affect the different races. This is also true with the issue of gay and transgender justice. These types of people have existed throughout history, but different groups or races of people have lived with and dealt with this issue very differently. When one is talking about the darker races, gay and transgender people have existed, but it was not something that was a cultural norm. In the darker societies gay and transgender people were a very small percentage of the population, but were afforded rights, allowed to form their own communities, and generally lived peacefully with everyone else. With the white societies, particularly with the “ancient” #Greeks and #Romans, who most of modern day white culture is based on, homosexuality or bi-sexual-ism was something that was inherently apart of their culture. With the white male ruling class it was a part of everyday life. Rulers like Alexander (who some call great), Phillip of Macedonia, Julius Caesar, and Mark Anthony were all gay or bisexual. It was not an uncommon thing for these guys to have a wife to bear children, and to then have a male lover on the side. In the case of Alexander, he was raised in a warlike culture where the soldiers had women at home to be “breeders”, and male lovers with them when they were out in the field in battle. The Roman soldiers had a similar type of culture. The Movie “Alexander” starring Colin Farrell alludes to this fact very strongly.
In the modern day black #American family, homosexuality and/or transgenderism is still not a cultural norm, but is becoming more prominent. A big factor that contributes to the higher than traditional levels of this activity among your people, something that often gets left out when this issue is being discussed is the prominence of the black pedophile, or black sexual predator of young children in your communities. As I have been saying many times about the destruction of the black family, when the door is left open by the black male not being around the family for whatever reason, anything can come into the family and influence it. In some cases the black male may be present, but the family may be exposed to some cultural institution where the pedophile or predator has been granted much power. One such institution is the black church. I don’t need to go into too much detail, but #WillieLynchAssociates has studied this phenomena, and we have actively been encouraging it, and using it strategically to keep a foot up your monkey asses.
We have seen too many instances where a young black child who has been sexually molested, or sexually compromised by an older male figure in their community, grows up and becomes confused. If the child victim is a boy, they may grow up to be homosexual, bi-sexual, and/or hate women. If the child victim is a girl, they may grow up to be homosexual, bi-sexual, and/or hate men (sometimes internalizing their oppression and taking on the most negative characteristics of a man). Now, if you are attracted to the same sex, or want to identify with a sex other than the one you were born with out of genuine love, or out of other reasons of your own choice that weren’t oppressively forced on you, that is one thing. But, if this choice was made out of conditions not of your own doing, or by a process of oppression that has been forced on you — this is something completely different. Too often, as by our design, this issue recently has been looked at through a singular, white “liberal” or “progressive” lens. This is a titanic part of the discussion that often gets left out for black folks when people start talking about gay and transgender justice.