#WillieLynch: Another young, male n***@ dead! Our program is working very well #Monkenzie. In fact, it has been for many decades now. We used to just sweep these types of incidents under the rug and people would never know they ever happened, but nowadays with social media, this has become increasingly difficult to do.
Me: Are you talking about #JordanEdwards the 15 year old boy shot dead by #police in the #DallasTexas area?
#Willie: Yes, I am. As they say “you don’t mess around with #Texas.” Texas, since the cowboys and Indians days is a gun friendly state, and the cops in Texas don’t play. They will shoot your black ass down in a #Buffalo millisecond, and then justify it.
“Police Chief Jonathan Haber has retracted his earlier statement that the car in which Jordan Edwards, 15, was traveling Saturday night was “backing down the street toward officers in an aggressive manner,” which he initially claimed prompted a police officer to open fire with a rifle, fatally shooting Jordan in the head.
During a news conference Monday afternoon, Haber said that he “misspoke” and that the vehicle, which was being driven by Jordan’s 16-year-old brother, was moving away from police officers when one of the officers, whose identity is still being protected, opened fire.”
Willie: It makes sense that he’s retracting his statements, because with more of these shootings going viral, black people all over the country are fed up with the bulls***. People will not buy the excuse this police department put out earlier in a press release. The police chief in this situation was just trying to buy his officers some time, so that they can get their “story” together. As I have been telling you so many times, we fear you in so many ways, so it was no surprise that these officers started shooting at group of n**@$ out of fear, instead of trying to actually do some real police work, or just use their damn common senses to see what was actually going on when they got to the scene of this party. As the “fear of god” is in them, meaning these trigger happy cops, expect more young n**@$ everywhere to continue to get shot and killed for the silliest reasons.
#LonnieBarlowShow #Niggerology #BuffaloNY