Me: Well, call it “paradise lost”. I guess 2 people on the set of the filming of the 4th season of the show “Bachelor in Paradise”, a spin off from ABC’s “The Bachelor”, got too freaky in a pool scene. Apparently production for the show has been shut down.
“Warner Bros. announced Sunday that the show, which had just begun filming in Mexico, was suspending production after “allegations of misconduct,” which were later revealed to be an allegedly nonconsensual sexual encounter between contestant #DeMarioJackson and a female contestant, who is not being named because she is potentially a victim of sexual assault.
Sources..maintain to TMZ that the incident is not what it appears, and his relationship with the female contestant was concocted by a crew of producers as a storyline for the show’s fourth season.
The sources say that both the contestant and Jackson were intoxicated, and it was she who moved the pair to the pool, where the two removed their clothing. Jackson claims the female contestant then initiated a sexual encounter, though he did not partake in intercourse due to excessive alcohol consumption.”
Me: Like you were telling me before, when the N**@’$ face, or mug shot is all on front street in situation like this you know the alleged victim is probably white. I went over to TMZ and got the other half of the story.
#WillieLynch: Yes the “victim” in this situation #CorinneOlympios, is as white as snow.
“Sources close to Corinne tell TMZ she was drunk the entire day of filming when she ended up naked in the swimming pool with DeMario. Although DeMario remembers everything — from “rubbing, touching and fingering” to licking her genitals — she says she remembers nothing.
Corinne has told her friends she has a boyfriend and wouldn’t have done what she did — especially with cameras rolling — to jeopardize that relationship.
As we reported, sources familiar with the footage say she appeared “fully engaged.” Corrine doesn’t fully blame DeMario because he too was drunk. She blames producers.”
#Willie: Lol! “I didn’t mean to let that N***r grab my tits and ass like that. I didn’t mean to let him lick my p***y like that — I was drunk”. Lol, typical whitey excuse. When she sobered up, and came to the realization of what happened, she realized that she can’t go back to the burbs or the valley after this. It would be a better look for her reputation just to say that the “producers set her up”. In a situation like this the N***r is always going to be wrong. And, if she had a “boyfriend” then what the f*** was she doing on the show in the first place? Some mutherf**r$ will do anything to be famous and get on TV. Lol, well I hope you found “paradise”. Now get your monkey ass outta here Corinne Olympios. Take your ass back to your boring corporate job, or whatever the hell you were doing before you tried to be a “star”. #Hollywood, and television is not for you, although you may have a career in porn.