#Me: So, you Willie being one of the “immortal” elites having been around to actually strategize against many black leaders and hard headed cracker leaders in American history has seen it all. You personally have worked to undermine or destroy people like Frederick Douglas, Garvey, Malcolm X, John Brown, and even blacks that you used like Dubois. Is there a single strategy or philosophy that blacks and others should use to get free, and/or escape the #Matrix?
#WillieLynch: That’s a great question #Monkenzie. I’ve seen it all, killed em all, discredited them all, miss-educated em all, deported em all, and incarcerated em all. We’ve seen just about every play in the “get free” playbook. In the old karate flicks, many times the young masters learned that they had to combine different fighting styles to finally defeat the old, evil master for once and for all. You N**@$, hard headed crackers, and progressive whiteys will have to figure out a similar technique to stop us. We are very old and experienced. This is the “reset button” end times. Different times call for different solutions. To be free, ya’ll are going to have to combine different fighting styles creatively in a way we haven’t seen before.