
Lonnie Barlow
4 min readMay 3, 2017


#Me: Did you see that interview in #PlayBoy with #TomiLahren, the young, conservative commentator who has been seen hanging out with #CharlamagneThaGod, a radio personality on the #BreakfastClub? She’s the one who is always critical of the #BlackLivesMatter movement.

#WillieLynch: I know who you’re talking about, because she is one of our new media people in training. I didn’t see it yet. What’s she talking about now?

Me: Here is a quote.


“Playboy contributor Art Tavana asked Lahren how she was confronting the race culture battle. Here’s her response:

Starting a conversation and saying that it’s okay for white people to talk about those issues as well. For so long it’s been, “Those are black issues that white people can’t talk about them.” Okay, but if you’re calling me a racist and saying white people don’t understand you, wouldn’t white people inherently have to be a part of that conversation?

I actually had a conversation with Charlamagne [tha God] about this, that there are white people who are afraid to talk about race because they don’t want to be labeled a racist, so they don’t want to talk about the issues; they don’t even want to talk to black people because they’re so afraid they’ll slip up and be offensive. Which is a huge problem. We’re segregating ourselves because we’re afraid we’re going to offend each other.”

#Willie: Well, I agree. That’s the whole reason I started this segment on your show. But, it will have to be an honest conversation which unfortunately for your black asses isn’t really going to happen in your lifetime #Monkenzie. Not speaking for the pick up truck driving, dusty whiteys here, but the “major-ity” of the many whites who do understand that your people have a right to be angry, and should be finally paid your “40 acres and a mule” don’t want to engage with you. Some don’t want to engage with you because they don’t want to feel like they have to give up their privilege, or higher social, and economic status. They understand that America is a very capitalistic society, where in order for one group to get ahead, they must capitalize off of, and extract from another group. This was how the 13 American colonies started, and how “the west was won”. The other half of these types of whites just are ashamed of their ancestor’s “his story” of extraction. They really don’t have the courage to sit down with you and try to develop a real solution, because they don’t want to feel a certain type of way in the face of black people. They would rather jump into a fiery furnace than face your monkey asses about real, systematic solutions to get your folks a larger piece of the country that was built off your backs.

Lol, with all that being said, while they are caught up in their feelings, your people are still suffering. Through our programming you’re dying by the hands of the police, you’re dying by your own hands, your dying with the food we give you to eat, you’re dying from the jobs not available to you, you’re dying from the education cuts we gave you, you’re dying from the bad housing we give you to live in, you’re dying in the jails we are putting you in, and your dying from too many other things too numerous to mention that we have created or allowed. One has to wonder if living the “American Dream” is worth all this death to your people. Lol, at the rate we’re going, by the time white people are ready to have that conversation, it might only be like 5 or 10 N**@$ left. At some point, if white people don’t want to engage you, you all are going to have to figure out that you are on your own. You can’t build with someone who doesn’t want to build. Are ya’ll going to spend another 100 or 200 years trying have dialogue, or are you going to start building your own s***? I see why #MarcusGarvey had a good point about blacks organizing a “nation within a nation”, and doing things for themselves to bring about nationhood. That’s one of the reasons he had to go. We need a permanent underclass to extract from, and live off of. This is one of the original reasons you were brought over here. Lol, a conservative’s creed is “The Law of Conservation of Slavery” which says that “slavery can neither be created or destroyed — it just changes form.”

#LonnieBarlowShow #Niggerology #Buffalo #BuffaloNY



Lonnie Barlow
Lonnie Barlow

Written by Lonnie Barlow

Niggerologist, Communications Specialist, Writer, Musician, Music Producer, Audio Engineer, Community Organizer, Activist,

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