#Niggerology: RIP Dr. Francis Cress Welsing

Lonnie Barlow
6 min readJan 6, 2016


Dr. Francis Cress Welsing made the transition this past Saturday January 2nd, 2016. She was 80 years old.

Some of the younger people who are reading this may not know who she is (she was most recently featured in film maker/author #TariqNasheed’s 2011 documentary #HiddenColors) or what her contribution to black history was. She was someone who was truly ahead of her time.

She was a psychiatrist (one who deals with identifying and treating mental disorders) born in Chicago. Psychiatrists are considered medical doctors and they check to see if a patient’s mental condition is the result of their physical condition. She made most of her contributions to history while living in Washington DC in the 1960’s. She called Washington DC home for much of her life. She had public debates with some folks who were considered America’s foremost intellectual minds. She famously debated physicist William Shockley considered to be the forefather of the Silicon Valley boom. Although she authored several books, The Isis Papers (written in 1991) is probably her most well-known work.

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Her main contribution would have to be her observation, study, and commentary of conscious and sub-conscious white racism. This is a theme that was expressed in many of her writings, speeches, and interviews. It was also something that didn’t win her many friends in mainstream society and western academia. But, why would it? Who wants to hear (especially the most well-meaning and good hearted white folk) that they voluntarily and involuntarily support a global, by any means necessary system of racism and oppression against people of color/indigenous peoples of the planet Earth every day of their lives?

To me when I first began learning about her, she made the most incredible and eye opening analogies about race that I have ever heard. Her observation of racial injustice covered all aspects of life, not just the familiar ones that many of us have been used to hearing. I mean, she made the connection in sports, and the arts. A main theme of hers was that white men have an insecurity complex when it comes to dealing with black people, in particular black men.

In football, the most popular sport in America, she talks about the object of the game being able to throw a big, brown, oblong shaped ball into the “end zone” in order to score and beat the other team. In the End Zone, there sits a big white hole or goal post which represents a woman’s legs open or a womb. And, all of this is played on a big green field or earth. In basketball the object of the game is to bounce a big, brown ball and score a basket in a white net, “swoosh, all net.” Without going into too many graphic details, I think you can understand what she’s talking about there. In interviews and writings she goes on to discuss many of the hidden racial meanings in the holidays we celebrate, about art and famous abstract expressionist artist Clyfford Still and his art, and many other things that may fly over our heads every day.

She has other theories that she talks about like the Melanin Theory, which sounds almost like the story of Yakub (you can google) put forth by Elijah Muhammed and the Nation of Islam. This theory basically says that for some reason many, many thousands of years ago, African albinoids were either put out of the continent, and/or developed (and raised) in Europa (Europe). Do I believe any of this, or think that it’s true? Truth is stranger than fiction. And, I think that belief is relative, because much of our history has been kept from us, so we’re always going back and updating it as we learn new and solid information. Many of the theories put forth by western ideology are ridiculous and as new information comes to light, these theories are being challenged as being suspect. Like the migration theory which says that Africans willingly left Africa, a place that is warm all year round and grows anything one needs to survive to live in Europa, a place that according theorists was experiencing an ice age. After thousands of years in the ice, these Africans turned white. Lol, a negroe can’t stand a cold room til this day, and it seems highly improbable that a large group of us would migrate to an ice box, survive, and turn white (almost devoid of any melanin) in the process. Today we’re finding out that the most effective way to create racial, ethnic, or species singularity is through sexual breeding and genetic splicing. There’s just not enough evidence to say for sure if the weather drastically changes melanin composition as to turn someone from jet black or brown to European white. So we’re gaining new insights all the time which will help us to find out what actually happened in our collective pasts.

Like I said, she was way ahead of her time. Something that was very controversial for her to say when she said it was her view that white American society (particularly the white male) had a plan or method in place to effeminize the black male to keep our population numbers down. As many of you know, if a group of people can’t create, pro-create, or reproduce, it won’t be long before they will have been completely wiped out of existence. From first coming over as slaves, being targets of the police, the prison system, the miseducation system, the jobless/poverty system, and all the other systems that target black people; we know that this has produced a breakdown in the black family structure. The main result is the black father not being in their son’s lives. The family unit is not only the basic unit of survival, it is a business. And contrary to what many may say about the many strong, single, black mothers doing it all by themselves (I love and salute you), this cannot last indefinitely if we expect to survive (or have a world leadership role) for the 21st century and beyond. So once the father is out of the picture, it’s easier for other people to come in and indoctrinate anything they want into your child’s head including homosexuality. In the black community many of us know that we are producing young, gay, black males at unnatural record levels. We also know what the protocol is in Hollywood for a black male actor or entertainer to make it to the next level. A lot of folks won’t talk about it, but comedian Dave Chapelle told you about it when he walked away from the $50 million deal to do a 2nd season of his show which at the time was the most popular TV show in America if not the entire world. One of the things Hollywood producers wanted him to do was to start wearing a dress. He understood the powerful influence he had on black people and walked away from the show.

Dr. Francis Cress Welsing, delved into the deeper, darker side of white racism and she wasn’t always looked upon favorably for it. But, her work was innovative as people across racial lines are having these conversations today. In Buffalo recently where I’m from, a good group of people had a discussion on white people in social justice movements (I missed this unfortunately, they are going to do a series of these I think) where people were actually talking about exerting subconscious racism into the very movements against racial injustice that they were attempting to help build. As we move into the future and gain more of knowledge of self, the fact we’re considering and talking about what the good doctor gave us sincerely so many years ago shows that we’re becoming more advanced.

#LonnieBarlowShow #Race #FrancisCressWelsing #CivilRights



Lonnie Barlow
Lonnie Barlow

Written by Lonnie Barlow

Niggerologist, Communications Specialist, Writer, Musician, Music Producer, Audio Engineer, Community Organizer, Activist,

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