Lonnie Barlow
5 min readJan 6, 2016


The Encyclopedia Britannica describes a pedophile as “a psycho-sexual disorder in which an adult has sexual fantasies about or engages in sexual acts with a prepubescent child of the same or opposite sex.”

The Ghetto-wood pedophile burnings — that’s what history will call it when we round up all the serial pedophiles in all the ghettos of America, escort them to the city center, and publicly set them afire.

But seriously, I wouldn’t necessarily be that cruel, there would be possible punishment — including death, but I would have some mercy in the form of a fair trial, a classification system, and a possible treatment process. Pedophilia is an American problem that is older than the Mayflower or Plymouth Rock, and black people/communities of color have had a difficult time having an honest, open, discussion about it, let alone dealing with it.

Shout out to “Stevo” for having some courage, and showing some leadership in the story that came out today in the Buffalo news. He publicly talked about his experiences being sexually assaulted as a kid. It’s not easy, but it’s something that we need to hear. He’s a leader in this community and maybe it will get negroes and people talking a little bit more. It reminds of a conversation that me and my cousin had about the trauma that black people in this country experience, but never really have an honest discussion about.

This subject is a serious, touchy, delicate, but complicated one for many reasons. Besides the most obvious evil of an adult sexually taking advantage of a small sexually, and emotionally undeveloped child, there are dynamics of law and social construct (culture) to consider — there’s different levels to the s***. For example, is a 20 year old adolescent male a pedophile for having consensual sexual relations with a 17 year old female? Is a 25 year old female a pedophile for having consensual sexual relations with a 17 year old male? Should we cut off the nuts of a 40 year man for having consensual or forced sexual relations with a 15 year old girl? Is the 15 year old boy that had sexual relations with a 40 year old woman a “player”?

The situation gets even more difficult when you throw in the homosexual dynamic. Is a 7 year old boy going to be “turned out” at age 7 from having sex with a legally grown man? Is a little 5 year old girl going to be turned out for the rest of her life from having sex with a 45 year old woman? Is that one act going to direct them onto a path that they would not have taken under different circumstances? To me, a lot is said in America and in our communities about homosexuality, and where the behavior comes from. In the black community I can say from my own personal experiences and from that of other black families I know, a large part of this phenomenon is due to acts of pedophilia and sexual molestation at an early age.

Ironically many of these mutant, serial pedophiles in our community have found refuge, and have even built enormous amounts of power in one of the only institutions we have, the black church. The black pedophile has figured out like the white one in the Catholic Church, that the best place to catch what it is they’re hunting for, innocent, underage, youth is to lay and wait in the institutions where they would be least likely to be discovered. The church is touted as a community safe haven, protected by the power of Jesus and God. Surely Jesus and his father God wouldn’t let a pedophile run or have a position of power in their church. In a situation where they are discovered, they’ll proclaim that it is “the will of God”, and use the power they have amassed to dispel any backlash. The other thing to note is that because the black church has so much power in our community, this pedophilic behavior is often carried over into the home.

Back to what my cousin and I were talking about, we knew from the local Pentecostal church we grew up in, in Buffalo that this was a serious issue. There was an individual in our local church just as I described above, who someone should’ve whopped his ass or cut off his nuts, who was running around doing his pedophile thing. But, because he built power under Christ and God, he got away with a lot. My grandfather was one of the only people, who would challenge him, but he was just one man, and this other guy had built a lot more power in the church so consequently the majority of the congregation wouldn’t do much against him. We knew that this was going on (that there were many others like him) at the state and national levels of the church, and that this was going on in many black Christian denominations across the country. One begins to see that this was a national phenomenon and not unique to Buffalo.

Many of the biggest sex offenders in the black community are not on a list because they’re right there with us in our homes, eating, fellow-shipping, and communing with us. We’ve welcomed them in and empowered them, and we have no interest in checking their behavior. The f***d up thing about it, is that many of us know it, but won’t do a god*** thing.

The church is and has been used as a farm system for homosexual behavior because it is considered a safe haven. Gays understand that they have some refuge there from a society that largely frowns upon the practice, and I understand that. If homosexuality is a lifestyle you want for yourself as a comprehending adult, please by all means do that. But, don’t use the safest institutions we have to prey on children to satisfy your sick sexual thirst. As a result we’ve ended up with many traumatized and confused children, who have grown up to be even more traumatized and confused.

Black lives matter more than we really know, and more than from what’s been reported heavily in the media as of late. We’ve been under fire by the police and other institutions, but death has also been killing us softly in many other ways. The most basic unit of survival for most species, including human beings is the family unit. If you can destroy that for any people, it’s pretty much a wrap for them. If you ingrain and perpetuate self-destructive behaviors as a norm, at an early age, these behaviors can become just as effective as any bullet at destroying you.

You can read the original The Buffalo News piece here http://www.buffalonews.com/city-region/buffalo/inaction-of-leaders-leaves-kids-vulnerable-to-sex-abuse-20150921

#Niggerology #LonnieBarlowShow #BuffaloNY #Pedophilia #Pedophile #SexAbuse

Lonnie Barlow
Lonnie Barlow

Written by Lonnie Barlow

Niggerologist, Communications Specialist, Writer, Musician, Music Producer, Audio Engineer, Community Organizer, Activist,

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